After 15 years specializing in branding and creative direction for web and print, I’ve discovered that my intuitive talent for wireframing, planning, crafting requirement docs, iterative testing and advocating for all involved has a name - User Experience (UX) Design. In short, I bring clarity to complex information and tasks and design web sites that people enjoy using.
I’m officially transforming this blog into a collection of my knowledge and experiences as a UX designer. I’ll be sharing insights, resources and projects created for clients such as Saladino Style, M Represents, Wazap, as well as concepts I developed in two UCLAx classes in UX.
Currently I’m in week 3 of “User Experience Design for the Web” taught by the superb Ann Supawanich, dynamic advocate for UX designers and VP of UX at Schematic. I first took this class in the summer of 2007, taught by the accomplished UX Lead Jeanine Harriman, formerly of Avenue A Razorfish, now with Liquidnet. Both Ann and Jeanine are instrumental in my solid understanding of best practices and methodologies. They structured the classes like a working UX team, with exercises based on collaboration, real world interviews, on site user observation and testing. If you’re interested in taking this class, check out UCLAx site right now.
I invite you to join my exploration of intelligent simplicity and elegance in all things.